super hanc petram

Sunday, November 7

FURL Cooking!  

I'm sure others have already thought of this, but I've now added a 'Cooking' category to my Furl archive. No more flipping between Cooking Light, Epicurious and old fashioned Google cooking, now I've got my own damned cookbook. And with the old wireless connection in the apartment, now I'm cooking with FURL. First recipe goes to my favorite. Broiled Tilapia with Thai Coconut-Curry Sauce. Vary the amount of curry paste according to how spicy you're feeling. Eat with both wine and water handy. It took Jess and I while to figure that last bit out. With just wine, you wind up slugging down a bottle without thinking just to cool your mouth down. Hot stuff.


Previous Posts:  Thursday Cat Blogging  …  1000 of them  …  et super hanc petram aedificabo Ecclesiam meam  …  Champions  …  Signed For One Reason  …  25 Men, One Nation, One Dream, Realized  …  The Daddy, The Ironman, Se&#241or Octobre  …  I Believe in Miracles  …  SOX WIN There are no words.  …  Let Me Die in My Footsteps  … 

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