super hanc petram

Thursday, August 5

Same Press Conference, Different Day  

One year ago next week:
Two men with suspected al Qaeda links were arrested in a sting operation ... early on Thursday in a money-laundering scheme to buy a shoulder-fired missile, law enforcement sources said.
Whoops, that's from today, this is from a year ago:
The missile shipped into the New York area last month was not a real missile — just a mockup — also arranged entirely by the government. The government also arranged the meetings at a New Jersey hotel and elsewhere, where Lakhani allegedly told undercover agents posing as al Qaeda terrorists about his support of bin Laden. "One would have to ask yourself, would this have occurred at all without the government?" said Gerald Lefcourt, a criminal defense attorney.


Previous Posts:  Iraqi Profile  …  On the Record -- 3/18  …  Accountability = Appeasement  …  More on Delusions  …  Dangerously Confused  …  Perhaps That's the Problem  …  Disinformation Campaign  …  In Detroit or in Baghdad  …  Beyond Parody  …  Rallying the Base  … 

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